The two sabbats or turning of the wheel I always celebrate are Beltane and Samhain. I don’t celebrate them all, some I just give a slight nod to and some pass me by completely. However I can’t ignore Samhain and Beltane, I feel a shift within me whether I am seeking it or not that can’t be ignored.
Samhain for me is about going into shadow and looking inwards, a time for reflection and looking at what has occurred in the previous year before settling down for the long winter of dark nights and withdrawal.
Beltane is the emerging and looking outwards. I feel ready and excited to embrace life and all it has to offer. I feel renewed and feel the energy of the maiden goddess, sensual, sexual and playful.
I love Beltane possibly even more than Samhain as I love the sun everything seems so much better when the sun is shining so I celebrate and welcome the return of the sun and warmer weather and longer days. I remember those beautiful feelings of new love, anticipation and excitement.
Beltane is a Celtic fire festival and marks the halfway point in the Celtic calendar. The dark times of winter are behind us, as we move into the light half of the year. It is a time of celebration, joy, love and excitement. The return of vitality, passion and hope. A celebration of sexual union from which there is the possibility of new life. The earth is fertile the cycle of life is celebrated.
I was lucky enough to be in Glastonbury for Beltane a few years ago and attended the fire ceremony at Chalice Well, was part of the Maypole procession and watched the erection of the Maypole. It was a magical couple of days, Glastonbury really is unique. There’s something magickal about Glastonbury and they really do celebrate Beltane with gusto.
I am massively excited as I have made plans to be in Glastonbury this Beltane, which is adding to my Beltane excitement. I am going with my husband and we may no longer be young lovers but we will be re-enacting those early days of young love for sure and fully embracing the energy of Beltane.