Who like me looks at an Orange and is reminded of sunshine and joy. Oranges make me think of The Sun Tarot Card - Positivity, happiness, Vitality, self-confidence, success.
Orange essential oil is used in aromatherapy because it evokes all of these positive feelings.
Its aroma is welcoming and warming, uplifting and energising. It brightens ones mood and enhances cheerfulness. It stills positivity and re-invigorates ones spirit. It has a relaxing effect while also being energising. It helps to ward off melancholy and depression. It boosts optimism and confidence.
Oranges can be used magically in many forms. Dried orange slices, dried orange leaves and peel, the seeds but one of the simplest ways for everyday magick is Orange essential oil. Even just a bowl of oranges on your counter top will be like a orb of sunshine in your kitchen.
- Sun
- Fire
- Sacral Chakra - which helps us relate to our sense of vitality, strength, sensuality and gut intuition
Magical properties
- Abundance, Luck, Money, Prosperity
- Love, Marriage, Fidelity, Fertility
- Happiness, Joy, Peace
- Healing, Purification, Renewal
- Divination
- Success, gain goals, creativity
- Growth
- Clarity
- Home and business blessings
- Sun magick and celebrations
- Healthy sexuality
Everyday Magick
- Use in oil burner to re-energise your home
- Use in oil burner to re-invigorate yourself after a busy work day, to help clear your mind and boost your energy.
- Use in oil burner and meditate on releasing blockages that are holding you back from vitality, happiness.
- Add a few drops of Orange essential oil to your body lotion to energise yourself or attract love
- Excellent to use in homemade cleaning products with its antibacterial properties and the ability to cut through stubborn grease. While its magical properties will cleanse, purify and bring joy and happiness to your home.
- Use in a home made door wash for your front door to attract abundance and prosperity
- Use orange scented body wash in the shower in the morning while envisioning yourself full of energy, confidence and vitality as you take on the challenges of your day.
- Use orange scented soap or hand cream when you need an energy boost throughout your day.
- Use a few drops of oil in your bath to re-energise and invigorate mind body and soul as you relax.
- Put some drops of essential oil in your purse to bring money
- Use orange slices in a simmer pot (stove top potpourri) a pot of simmering citrus fruit and spices. Choose ingredients with magical intention and as its scent is released allow its magical properties to fill your home.
- Use essential oil to anoint candles for prosperity, career or confidence spells
- Use flowers, seeds and dried slices in love charms
- Add dried orange slices to a spell bag and carry for vitality, increased energy, confidence and career opportunities
- Add to spell bags or spell bottles to bring prosperity
- Carry dried orange slices in a spell bag to uplift and energise you and bring good luck
- Make garlands with oranges and cinnamon to hang in the home to bring prosperity
- Bathing/washing with an infusion of orange peel to increase attractiveness.
- Set up a prosperity corner in your home, place items that you associate with prosperity and abundance alongside an oil burner. Each day use orange essential oil and maybe light an orange candle anointed with essential oil. Spend a few minutes focussing on and meditating on bringing abundance into your life.