My Witchy Shop - Whats it all about?

My Witchy Shop - Whats it all about?

The aim of My Witchy Shop is to help people, especially women, feel self empowered.To have confidence in themselves and their ability to take the action required to create positive change in their lives. Even small actions can start a reaction that results in positive change. I want to share information, tips and guidance that I hope could be helpful to others on the journey to self-empowerment. The bundles I put together are done so with the intention of creating a particular vibe and by using the tools provided a person can create a self-loving ritual or experience for themselves, which will help them feel empowered or shift their mindset in a positive way. 

I think self empowerment begins with self-love. Therefore self-love and self-care is a big part of what I want to encourage with this business. What I mean by self-love is not a bubble bath and a glass of wine although of course that comes into it. It is after all my favourite way to spend a Friday evening. What I mean by self-love and self-care is creating a loving, relaxing and calm outer environment but also a place within ourselves where we feel positive, safe and confident. 

Self-care and self empowerment are central to me as a witch. If I want to be affective both as a witch and in my none witchy life I need to take care of my own well-being. I hope I can encourage others to take time for themselves and prioritise their own well-being.

Where does witchy come into it ?

Depending on your personal ideas of what a witch is or is not, on first glance My Witchy Shop may not appear particularly witchy. However it is the way I mostly ‘witch’ using familiar objects with the additional intention of working with the energies of colours, scents, essential oils, incense and crystals to manifest a particular outcome. The objects themselves are not particularly magical but the mindful, focused and intentional way I utilise them is.

For example non witches will often light a scented candle before they have visitors, because they want their home to smell nice and feel warm and welcoming. I will do the same but in a more intentional ritualistic way. First I will physically and energetically cleanse my space. I will chose appropriate crystals, the candle colour and scent that corresponds to the energy I wish to manifest. As I place the crystals and light the candle I will state my intention to the universe, something like “My home is welcoming to all. All who enter will be filled with love, peace and harmony”

To any on looker it looks like I have simply lit a candle and I like pretty stones, unaware that I set the scene with magical intention. 

Of course you don’t need to be a witch to do this and doing this does not necessarily make you a witch. However it is small acts like this that remind me of my personal power as a witch and how I can work with whatever tools are available to me to create and manifest change.

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