The Dark Moon

The Dark Moon

This phase of the moon is often ignored but I think it is a very powerful and significant phase. I actually prefer the dark moon and new moon energy than full moon energy. I find the energy of the full moon draining and often feel overwhelmed at the full moon and struggle with headaches.

The dark moon is the time when the moon is not illuminated by the sun and therefore is not visible to us. It occurs 2-3 days before the first slither of new moon is illuminated and visible.

Astronomers denote the new moon cycle as beginning when the moon has zero illumination. Therefore on most calendars the dark moon is marked as the new moon. 

However if we are working closely with the phases of the moon, the dark moon and the new moon have very different energies.

I think it is important to distinguish between the two, if we wish to utilise the moon energies in our spiritual and magical practice. While the new moon is well suited to magic of new beginnings the dark moon is a time of rest and introspection. If we only rely on our modern calendars we may find ourself attempting a manifesting spell when the energies are not aligned to provide much power and support to manifesting our desire. 

The dark moon is a space of transition, a pause when one phase has come to an end and before a new phase begins. It is best to embrace this void and take time to rest, to absorb and integrate lessons learnt and events experienced during the previous moon cycle in order to grow and learn. The future is unknown and the experiences of the coming moon phase are yet to be discovered. 

It is a time best spent in quiet contemplation looking within, rather than rushing into new plans, intention setting and planning new goals, we need to take a breath. 

It is a time of positive surrender. Surrender to your subconscious mind allow yourself time to daydream, to just be and see where your mind takes you. Feel into your intuition pay attention to synchronicities in your life. Be alert to signs from goddess, spirit or universal energies. Use divination tools. It is a good time to use tarot cards for self reflection and personal growth. Spend time in meditation.

I like to take a nap with the intention of tapping into my subconscious. I surround myself and hold crystals for the purpose and pay attention to any messages or symbolism that comes up in the dream. I like to use Labradorite, Amethyst and Quartz. 

Allow yourself a day or even just a few hours dedicated to self care whatever this looks like to you, but use it as a time to pause. Society today is always encouraging us to be moving forward, looking ahead to the next thing before we have barely finished the task at hand. We feel pressure to be always busy, always doing. However there is value in the pause, the void where you have time to take a breath and just be in the present. 

It is also a time of endings and completion. It time to clear away the left over clutter whether that’s physical clutter or mental and emotional clutter. It is a good day to collect the clutter in your home and file it, dispose of it or put it back in its place. Perhaps journal and dump all the mental and emotional clutter on the page. 

I have read many times over the years warnings not to perform any magic during a dark moon. Hmmm surely the dark moon is an excellent time for certain magick. What would you like to leave in the void ? Bad Habits ? Addictions ? Negative harmful self beliefs ? 

A spell could be done to leave whatever it is you no longer want to take forward with you in the void. Use a black container, a box or glass jar (paint it black if you can’t find a black one). Write down the thing you want to leave in the void and place it in the box or jar and seal it up. Dispose of it by burying it. I would bury it at a cross roads as an offering to Hecate.  

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